Last night
I saw both of us in the moon land
Last night
I saw you dancing in the moon
With me
We were like a blue moon
In the blue sky
Like a butterfly
In the Land of Flowers
And like a yellow sun
In the pretty morning cloud
We danced around the moon
Holding each other so close
As if it were already Valentine's day
And sealed each dancing step we made
With rows of gorgeous kiss
You wore a red gown
And I was dressed on red cloth too
The Earth winked at us
Because she was jealous of our love
Stars smiled at us too
Because they knew how pretty we were
Just last night
I saw the moon dancing for us
Just for our sake
The heaven smiled at again
And poured out it's jar of passion upon us
For our sake
The heaven poured out rain in summer days
For our sake too
The earth got warmed up in winter time
Just to keep us lively there in the moon land Dress Affordable cocktail party selections in coral
Just to show us
How pretty our love could be
The moon accepted dinning with the sun
Not minding their differences
We can learn that too
Maybe, just maybe
We can become lovers from this time
Just like we were in the moon land
Just like we were in heaven last night
Those in the moon land
Even those in heaven
The butterflies in the flower world
Wished we just become lovers
When we Wake up this morning
I'd wish that too
For I want to feed
Now, henceforth from your romantic nectar
And reside equally in your Honey world.