This is for the mom who always dreamed of nursing but couldn’t.
This is for the mom who’s feeling like 10min connected to the pump is an eternity.
This is for the mom on a first name bases with the lactation clinic staff.
This is for the mom who feels like she can’t leave the house because by the time she pumps, showers, changes the baby, feeds the baby, and takes the dogs out; its time to pump again.
This is for the mom setting midnight and 4am alarms to pump.
This is for the mom who didn’t know she had a blister on her nipple, now frantically googling if she can give her baby milk that has blood in it.
This is for the mom crying in the steaming hot shower because she has a clogged duct and no amount of heat or massage is helping with the pain.
This is for the mom with the under-supply, who’s eating her body weight in oatmeal, taking two fenugreek with every meal, and eating all the things with sunflower lectin to boost her supply.
This is for the mom struggling with the pain of mastitis.
This is for the mom pumping in her car wishing she had tinted windows.
This is for the mom who absolutely has to try that oatmeal stout beer because it might be the secret to opening the flood gates but really its just to have SOMETHING for herself.
This is for the mom who is pumping in the break room, embarrassed by the sound of the pump.
This is for the mom who is in the spare room during the holidays: pumping and listening to everyone else making memories.
This is for the mom who got a strapless dress so she could pump on her wedding day.
This is for the mom supplementing with formula or donated breast milk.
This is for the mom who fell asleep connected to the pump only to wake up relieved that nothing spilled.
This is for the mom trying not to yell at her partner for letting the milk sit out too long and now it’s spoiled.
This is for the mom who accidentally spilled breastmilk everywhere and is trying not to breakdown.
This is for the mom who feels like all this energy is at the expense of bonding with her infant.
This is for the mom who gets so jealous when she sees other mothers nursing their babies.
This is for the mom who’s pumping through PPD/ PPA/ PPOCD
This is for the undersuppliers and oversuppliers.
This is for the mom who is wondering if this is the right decision.
This is for the mom who HATES pumping until its time to ween, struggling to give up her superpower.
Whether you’ve been pumping for 10 minutes or 10 months. CELEBRATE your journey. Know that you’re beautiful, know that pumping is beautiful, know that you’re doing your best, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, know that; no matter what, YOUR BABY LOVES YOU!!!!
What we selflessly do for our babies IS BEAUTIFUL. Your labor of love does NOT go unnoticed because when we see our babies THRIVE, we know it was ALL so so WORTH it.
Here’s to the hardest thing I’ve EVER done, and the BEAUTY and STRENGTH it gives my baby.
NOTE: I would like to say that I ultimately believe ANY form of feeding your baby is beautiful. Whether its nursing, formula, or pumping. This was just my experience, and one that I hold dear to my heart. But at the end of the day no matter what form you choose, we are all supermoms. quinceanera items to wear of the wedding that is not expensive
Photo Credit to: Charity Williams at Images By Charity